Some quilled cards!!!

I have not made cards from few days so these are some quilled cards which i made long back. I have made all these cards from remaining cardstocks.

These cards can be used as gift tags what to do u say?


Crafterkhush saidā€¦
Wow... Really lovely...
Neha Jain saidā€¦
sweet sober simple and wow :)
Shalini saidā€¦
very pretty... clean and pretty!!!
Deepti Aggarwal saidā€¦
wow... these are beautiful CAS cards...
Deepika Ranganatha saidā€¦
Wonderful!!! Keep it up.
Deepika Ranganatha saidā€¦
Wonderful!!! Keep it up.
simple and elegant cards
SUGANTHI saidā€¦
Very neat Bhavana . The flower with the graduated paper has turned out so well.
Dr Sonia S V saidā€¦
Wow Bhavana. Some interesting flower shapes here.
Spardha saidā€¦
wow!.. BEAUTIFUL!.. love all the quilling!.. love the colours in the first card and the quilled roses in the other one look FAB! :D
Dr Sonia S V saidā€¦
Dear Bhavana
I would like to give you an award.Do pick it up at my blog
Tee saidā€¦
So simple..yet so stunning!!
Neha Jain saidā€¦
you have get an award..check
Emreen saidā€¦
Simple... Neat and absolutely beautiful...!!
Creativek(shraddha) saidā€¦
these are stunning lovley quilling!!